Thursday, January 15, 2009

Exciting "News"

In December something fun and exciting happened to me and a few friends-- we were interviewed for an article in an Albanian newspaper! Most of the article is about the delightful Izabella, my dearest friend. Almost all of the photos were my own which was such a thrill to see!

You can take a look at the entire article on-line. Good luck with the Albanian!


CanadianSwiss said...

Congratulations, Kim! You must be very proud :)

PS: I didn't get much from the written article, though. My Albanian sucks! :)

Ginnie Hart said...

LOL at CS! :D Congratulations, indeed. You can be proud of yourselves!!

Miss Kim said...

You could always start learning Albanian... after all you never know ;)

One of my Dutch friends who used to live here in Tirana is now posted in Barcelona...

oreneta said...

Not a word...actually, not true, there was something further in that looked suspiciously like 'democracy' but..... pretty cool!

GMG said...

So, VIP in Albania, absent of Blogosphere... ;) Now I understand why you have been offline... ;))
Loved to see the pics; the text, zero... ;))
Have a great rest of the week!