Yesterday afternoon I was standing at my litchen sink when I spotted this young soldier on the roof of the building across the square. This square is called "Piazza" and there is a really good restaurant located there. Someone important must have been eating lunch there yesterday because as I looked around to all the rooftops I saw guards on every corner of every roof. Now they can't really see me because my windows are tinted to keep out the sun, so I ran and grabbed my camera and took a few shots. However I was too slow and missed the funniest sight- this young soldier had run to the clothesline behind him (you can see it in the first photo) and had taken the tiniest pair of pink bikini underwear and waved to his buddy on another building. Then he held the panties up in front of himself as if he was wearing them. They had a big laugh and he quickly ran and hung them back on the line. It was hilarious! You never know what your laundry is up to when your back is turned!
Lol, too much
Hee! That's great!
I LOVE the title of this post. PERFECT! I wonder who had more the fun, the guard or the panties!
This was a hilarious post. Kim, why don't you email me about the food photos. I do have a few tips for you and it will be easier to communicate via email.
I am at giaparsons@hotmail.com
Ha! Too funny!
I came back to see if you were warm yet, only to find you playing Peeping Tomasina.
Gia is really good at food shots. I learn from her work and from shewhoeats, who may be a professional.
HaHa, indeed! Back in the '60s in college, if we heard someone yell "PANTY RAID," we knew the guys were coming (in the night) outside our dorm windows, hoping for a few trophies. Thanks for the memory!
Wow, you're kidding. Did you get that on video? Hilarious! Love moments like that :)
That is just hilarious! I'm sure it was even 10x more when you were witnessing it happen!
In regards to your comment about how I did that illustration job, it's all layers in Photoshop. Something to pass the time on a cold day... :-)
Got to love Albanian soldiers. Even sexual deviance is moderately mild and funny... as opposed to tying naked enemy insurgents on a leash and pointing to their genitals ;)
Keep posting more pics. I love them!
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